As you all are no doubt aware, this is not a good time for the hospitality industry. With pubs closing at the rate of about six a day, the market is contracting rapidly; it is affecting breweries across the country and, sadly, we’re not immune to it either.

Unfortunately we’ve had to make Chad, our assistant brewer, redundant. We held off it as long as we possibly could but with some costs still rising and demand falling we were left with no alternative.

It’s particularly gutting because Chad’s a talented brewer and an even better person. There’s an opportunity to say goodbye to him as he’s working tomorrow and next Saturday. If anyone is hiring, get in touch and we’ll pass those enquiries on.

As a business our bar is doing ok but it is simply poor trade sales (where we sell our excess beer to pubs) which has forced us into taking this action. We plan to focus our efforts on the bar and events like our DJ nights, live music, and comedy along with the hiring of our mobile bar. If you’re a pub that normally buys our beer we’ll still be supplying you, we plan to deliver monthly to Liverpool and Manchester, and we’ll also continue to wholesale Ascension Cider in the North West, it just might be on a different day from usual.

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