Most of you who’ve been to the bar since we’ve re-opened will know that with table service and reduced opening hours we were already compliant with most of the updates to the guidance which have now become legal obligations.
You’ll have noticed that we were already wearing masks to bring drinks to your table but we must now require you to wear a mask on entering the building until you are seated at your table. If you need to pop to the loo or nip out to smoke, please pop your mask back on. Please be clear that this does not apply outdoors (or in the gazebo) as there is considered enough airflow to provide mitigation.

On Fridays and Saturdays we already allowed no new entry after 9pm but were more relaxed about closing as we were licensed until 11pm. We’ve obviously had to change this and will call last orders at 9.10pm and ask you to leave by 9.30pm. This will give the staff time to clean down and still be out for 10pm. Because of the time required to package take-outs can we please have those orders in by 9pm please?
You’ll have also seen that we need to provide a QR code for the NHS Covid-19 app. We will be doing this but will have the backup system for those who are having issues with the technology.
This seems an appropriate time to thank our customers who have, by and large, observed the restrictions properly and responded to a sometimes difficult situation with good humour, Thank you and we’ll see you later today; #postworkpints start at 4pm.