With the taproom now subject to tier two restrictions we have been looking at how customers who may no longer be able to get to the bar can get their beer fix.

A number of you have asked about a subscription box plan and, having been stuck in quarantine for the best part of a fortnight, we’ve had plenty of time to think about it. Here’s what we’ve come up with.

  • Firstly, you tell us what frequency you want (weekly, fortnightly, monthly or every other month) and we’ll send you a case of 8 x 500ml cans for £35 delivered anywhere in mainland UK (£30 for customers who fall in our local delivery area).
  • In these uncertain times, we understand that you might not want, or be able to, commit an ongoing amount so we’re not going down a direct debit route, so the day before the cans are due to be dispatched we’ll send you an invoice.
  • When we receive notification that the invoice has been paid we’ll dispatch the box.
  • We choose the beers that go in the box but, if there’s a style you don’t like just let us know and we’ll make sure you don’t get it.
  • If you want to increase, or decrease, your frequency that’s fine. Just let us know.

If you’d like to sign up, please send an email to tomstapandbrew@gmail.com with the phrase subscription box in the subject line. Then all we need is your name, address, telephone number and frequency and we’ll do the rest.


Sean and Jacqui

Categories: General